Industry News

Maintenance and maintenance of bearing seat

Special attention should be paid to the following points during the use of the bearing seat:
(1) Use of bearing seat cooling system. The bearing seat cooling water not only prolongs the service life of the bearing seat, but also improves the production efficiency when used correctly. The material of the bearing seat is generally made of special bearing seat steel through various treatments, and even the best bearing seat steel has its limits of use, such as temperature. When the bearing seat is in use, if the mold temperature is too high, it is easy to cause tortoise cracks on the surface of the mold core early. In some bearing seats, tortoise cracks appear on a large scale even before more than 2000 molds. Even in the production of the bearing seat, because the temperature of the bearing seat is too high, the mold core has changed its color. After measurement, it even reaches more than 400 degrees. This temperature is prone to cracks when it is quenched by the release agent. The products are also prone to deformation, strain, and mold sticking. In the case of using the bearing seat cooling water, the use of release agent can be greatly reduced, so that the operator will not use the release agent to reduce the temperature of the bearing seat. The advantage is to effectively extend the life of the bearing seat, save the die-casting cycle, improve the quality of the product, reduce the occurrence of mold sticking, strain and aluminum sticking, and reduce the use of mold release agents. It can also reduce the loss of ejector rod and core caused by overheating of the bearing seat.
(2) The bearing seat must be preheated during the start of production to prevent the occurrence of turtle cracks when the cold bearing seat suddenly encounters hot molten metal. The more complicated bearing seat can be liquefied by a blowtorch. If the condition is good, use a mold temperature machine, and the relatively simple bearing seat can be preheated by slow injection.

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